Since early 2022 I’ve been developing a method of working with groups to help develop self-awareness around, and shift, our relational patterns. It’s called…

Embodied Relating

Kind words about Embodied Relating sessions

“Surprisingly simple and deeply profound.”

“This was the workshop that I didn’t know I needed.”

“I left feeling refreshed and excited to explore more.”

Embodied relating is a relational intelligence and developmental practice that works gently with the body to uncover and transform relational patterns, leading to a greater sense of trust and flow. The form of embodied relating that you’ll experience in this workshop is being cultivated and refined by facilitator Chris Hardy through a series of carefully held group gatherings and enquiries.

Informed by concepts from somatic researchers such as Bessel van der Kolk (author of The Body Keeps The Score), and drawing on principles from contact improvisation and other movement modalities, embodied relating involves slowing down and working with the relational essence of simple movement practices.

In embodied relating workshops held by Chris, gentle movement exercises and self-reflection are used to bring awareness to core relational dynamics that live inside the body, and a safe space is created to explore and play with different ways of being in connection with others.

Let the people talk…

Workshops location



Emerging Hearts




29th April

16th May

23rd June

1st July

8th July

15th July

2nd September







Messy post-it notes?

At the end of each workshop I ask participants to write a few words about their experience.

For many they express very sweetly the depth, insight and power we arrived at in a short space of time.

This is why the upcoming workshops will be offered for a 1/2 day.

Many people have said many sweet things about this work. Though I feel this final post-it note is one of my favourites; ‘Self-Releasing’. I’m not even sure what it means, but I love the sound of it.

Upcoming sessions

Upcoming sessions

September 2nd

The Fox Den, London

This workshop is for anybody who’s curious to develop self-awareness about their relational patterns, explore different ways of being in a safe and supportive environment, and feels comfortable engaging in some gentle movement exercises.

This workshop is intentionally designed to be inclusive and welcoming to all regardless of relationship status, sexual orientation, gender, race or financial standing. Within the workshop introduction there is an orientation to expressing boundaries and honoring personal space.

What will we do?

October 14th

The Wild Box, Bristol

Drawing on principles from contact improvisation and other movement practices, this workshop creates a safe and supportive space for you to bring awareness to your relational patterns and experiment with different ways of being in your body.

Through a series of gentle breathing and movement exercises, both solo and in pairs, you’ll be invited and guided to explore and play with new ways of connecting with yourself and others. All exercises are simple, accessible and require no prior experience with movement practices.

Why are we doing this?

December 9th

The White Box, Bristol

Drawing on principles from contact improvisation and other movement practices, this workshop creates a safe and supportive space for you to bring awareness to your relational patterns and experiment with different ways of being in your body.

Who is this for?

November 4th

The White Box, Bristol

What people are saying…

“Chris's sensitive holding of this workshop was heartening and professional - the 3 hours was over too soon. A full room of open souls felt like home; it was a hard to end our time together..”

— Keith Parker / June 2023

“Am so grateful for the space Chris held and for being brave, honest and vulnerable as a facilitator The intention and amount of work and energy put in came through so clearly. A shining example of how to show up for oneself and for others. I am so pleased I stepped past my reservations about what this sort of workshop was about and experienced a beautiful moment of connection with others and importantly, with myself. Thank you...”

— Amy C. / July 2023

“I don’t really know how to express in words, such a rich experience that one can go through in a very well held space by Chris. The dynamic that happened with each one was absolute craaazy! Like right there, near the cliffs.. I couldn’t really believe I did it and enjoyed it so much. I look forwards for the next adventure! Thank you.”

— Victoria / June 2023

“A deep, holding and nurturing experience, stepping outside of my comfort zone, finding my edges in a safe place. Feeling profoundly moved by the sensitivity and warmth of the connections I made with other participants..”

— Samantha McNamara / June 2023

“Chris held the space with grace, and seemed to channel Elder teachers. He brought a bright energy that carried me past my first reaction which was to run away from a group of people which I had no connection with. I was able to access troubled feelings and movements with gentle support, in a space held with clarity and confidence but without ego..”

— Kevin H. / July 2023

“The workshop was a safe and playful environment, I felt really comfortable to be vulnerable and be myself. Would highly recommend for anyone looking to explore embodiment and relational healing on a somatic level..”

— Daniel Pillzker / August 2023

About once each week I publish a post exploring the benefits of embodiment. I’ve also been writing about the development of Embodied Relating and sharing upcoming sessions.

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